######################### ## Update Instructions ## ######################### Follow this instructions: - if coming from version prior to 5, a database backup is STRONGLY suggested - delete the previous version of the plugin from the wordpress plugin panel - install the new version like explained in documentation ########################## ## Changelog ############# ########################## v5.11 - release date 20/04/2016 - security fix about bad meta data saving in database (please follow update instructions) v5.1 - release date 12/03/2016 - settings now keep selected tab through savings - avoid browser fields autopopulation in add user page - improved custom taxonomies and post type restriction management - users list badges now on two columns - ligther WP loop integration - improved restriction helper in edit post and posts list - fixed: get_users query bug on searching only with meta - fixed: possible menu builder integration - fixed: WP synced flag on manual user addition - fixed: password update without repeat check in "edit user" page - fixed: default private page content saving in settings - fixed: wrong code composition in shortcode yellow warning - new action: pc_cust_style_setting_opts to add custom styling options - new filter: pc_custom_redirect_url to manage used redirects - new filter: pc_custom_field_type to create custom field types - new filter: pc_pages_wp_query_filter to manage WP_query's excluded pages - new filter: pc_terms_wp_query_filter to manage WP_query's excluded terms - new filter: pc_forced_page_restriction to force pages restriction - new filter: pc_forced_term_restriction to force terms restriction - new filter: pc_reg_form_custom_valid to add custom validation in registration forms - new filter: pc_affected_pt to manage integrated custom post types - new filter: pc_affected_tax to manage integrated taxonomies - new_filter: pc_extra_user_check to perform extra checks on cat-based acceptance - new filter: pc_user_cat_dd_opts to add custom options in restriction dropdown - new filter: pc_reg_form_builder_ignore_fields to remove fields to be used in form builder - new filter: pc_forbidden_field_indexes to add field indexes that must not be used in add-ons v5.061 - release date 23/01/2016 - frontend spanish translation completed - fixed: data_to_human method while managing categories from passed data v5.06 - release date 18/01/2016 - better registration form button position to avoid misunderstandings - new admin icon - improved compatibility with Layers builder - fixed: users private page preview - fixed: redirects management v5.056 - release date 14/01/2016 - fixed: category redirect if login through WP form - fixed: users private page live preview - minor bugfixes v5.055 - release date 08/01/2016 - fixed: change_status query (occurring with PHP < 5.4) v5.054 - release date 07/01/2016 - improved multi-option fields validation for certain servers v5.053 - release date 06/01/2016 - fixed: get_users query with PHP < 5.4 o status change - minor code fixes v5.052 - release date 30/12/2015 - improved compatibility with WP logins using ajax - fixed: "remember me" cookie setup - fixed: logout for WP synced users v5.051 - release date 27/12/2015 - fixed: error message if login data are from deactivated user - fixed: remember-me cookie system v5.05 - release date 24/12/2015 - added: romanian frontend translation - fixed: WP-synced user deletion on pvtContent user deletion - fixed: password check error during import v5.04 - release date 19/12/2015 - new password encryption system avoiding mcrypt functions - improved menu restriction wizard integration - fixed: password strength error report v5.032 - release date 18/12/2015 - fixed: registration category check v5.031 - release date 18/12/2015 - fixed: glitch in login form messages - fixed: user permissions check v5.03 - release date 18/12/2015 - improved logout system and cookie management - improved private page comments support for themes v5.021 - release date 17/12/2015 - fixed: widget glitch affecting few themes - fixed: private page container behavior with "only original content" option - fixed: private page editor - minor textual issues with WP 4.4 v5.02 - release date 17/12/2015 - added: Slvak (partial) frontend translation - fixed: custom messages usage - fixed: private page preview link v5.011 - release date 15/12/2015 - added: initial check for required encryption functions - fixed: categories check error during registration - fixed: redirect loop when using complete site lock v5.01 - release date 14/12/2015 - fixed: menu restriction - fixed: menu restriction wizard issue on some old installations - fixed: testing mode check for WP logged users - fixed: user data get in login/logout functions v5.0 - release date 14/12/2015 - complete code redesign with new optimized engine. - code is now dev-oriented and full of hooks to extend it - passwords are now encrypted in a proper way and not visible anymore in admin panel for security reasons - plugin prefix is now pc instead of old pg (with settings exception for retrocompatibility) - users meta table added into database - deleted users are now definitively deleted from database (with custom data associated) to be lighter - comments in private pages are now of of beta phase and should work on any theme - added: unlimited registration form builder - added: text block for registration forms - added: widget restriction module - added: comment restrictions (require WP-user-sync enabled) - added: advanced users search in users list - added: bulk categories assignment in users list - added: custom roles simulation for WP-synced users - added: ability to set let user select multiple categories during registration - added: specific redirect if page is restricted for unlogged users - added: custom category field label in registration forms - added: name-surname / first-last name switch - added: user status and private page controls in "edit user" page - added: labels sie control in form style manager - added: polish translation - updated: localization files - updated: WP menu integration to avoid incompatibilities - fixed: user session in WP if pvtContent still exists - fixed: long labels display in login form v4.044 - release date 09/12/2015 - Fixed issue with Private Pages editing in WP 4.4 v4.043 - release date 28/08/2015 - blocked WP e-mail if synced user is updated v4.042 - release date 18/08/2015 - updated: widget code to be compatible with WP 4.3 v4.041 - release date 04/06/2015 - updated: svedish translation - fixed: "Last login date" heading during export v4.04 - release date 21/05/2015 - added: partial czech traslation - Complete site lock now compatible with WPML - better javascript management for old browser flag - fixed: ?pg_logout logout system v4.031 - release date 26/02/2015 - LC switch implemented, replacing old iPhone checks - WPML support for categories name - now translatable through String translation add-on - Users private page support for wordpress [embed] shortcode - improved password strength variable type check in settings v4.03 - release date 19/01/2015 - added: proper Woocommerce category restriction - added: honeypot security in login form - fixed: topbar visiblity if new pending users exist - fixed: form sending with "enter" key press v4.021 - release date 07/12/2014 - added fix for User Data shortcode by Mail Actions add-on v4.02 - release date 03/12/2014 - compatibility with User Data add-on v1.4 - better checkbox validation with allowed values - integer numbers maxlength validation v4.013 - release date 19/11/2014 - fixed: further issue with logout. Now immune to WP actions after logout v4.012 - release date 19/11/2014 - fixed: logout system conflicting with restriction one - updated: spanish translation (thanks to pbrandao) v4.011 - release date 18/11/2014 - fixed: user access check bug in case of "unlogged" + WP synced user - updated: LC update notifier v4.01 - release date 13/11/2014 - improved category restriction system - fixed: last access date management with PHP <5.3 v4.0 - release date 09/11/2014 - added: sync with WP users system -- option to enable comments in user private page for synced users -- option to require sync during regisrtation - added: forms custom skin builder - added: password strength options (now minimum length is 4 characters) - added: elastic registration form layout - added: "remember me" ption for login - added: disclaimer field for registration form - added: honeypot antispam system as default alternative to recaptcha - added: users sorting in list - added: user last login date in users list - added: user categories option to set visibility in registration form - added: user categories option to set custom redirect after login - added: user's private page preview - added: specific class for each form field's wrapper - added: status flag in "edit user" page - added: option to detach website from user's private page system - added: system to logout users adding ?type=pg_logout to page's URL - added: import system - option to abort if duplicated user is found - added: croatian and georgian localizations - added: pvt content shortcode - blocked user categories (also in php API) - added: custom registration category in registration form shortcode (also in php API) - added: custom redirect in login/logout shortcodes (also in php API) - login system improved with sessions + cookie usage - users list restyled and improved - import system -> file type check improved - recaptcha structure restyled and 100% responsive - updated: forms loading animation - updated: translation templates and localization files - updated: user_logged() API, checking in real time disabled/deleted users - fixed: users search on certain servers v3.261 - release date 12/06/2014 - fixed: frontend javascrip file v3.26 - release date 11/06/2014 - added: option to control successful login message - added: Mail Actions implementation on users import - updated: LC update notifier v3.25 - release date 19/04/2014 - fixed: shortcode wizard on WP 3.9 v3.24 - release date 15/04/2014 - added allowed mimetype for CSV importing - added: afrikaan translation - updated: LC update notifier - updated: chosen.js script v3.232 - release date 15/03/2014 - fixed: php declarator issue with PHP5 strict mode v3.231 - release date 12/03/2014 - fixed: update notifier get_plugin_data() issue v3.23 - release date 11/03/2014 - added: LCweb update notifier system - added: minimum WP role to manage users - added: security nonces v3.22 - release date 13/12/2013 - admin styles refreshed for better WP 3.8 compatibility - added missing strings in the admin translation template - custom redirects now translatable with WPML - categories hidden in WP category widget - export buffer control to improve compatibility - fixed: redirect exception for PCMA landing page - fixed: WP nav menu management with strict PHP v3.21 - release date 18/10/2013 - shortcode wizard now usable in settings and Mail Actions pages - fixed: admin translation template - fixed: submenu restriction v3.2 - release date 06/10/2013 - added: restriction option to show contents only to unlogged users - added: one click website lock - added: style selector and two new form styles - added: redirect to the latest restricted page after login - added: helper in posts/pages restriction metabox - added: custom CSS field to help quick fixes and customizations - backend and frontend completely translatable (WPML certified) - Restrict pages/posts now are hidden on any WP query - Restriction fields and boxes restyled - Main redirect target ignored by restriction to avoid wrong settings - Documentation walkthrough reviewed and updated - fixed: WP user roles restriction for plugin menu and private pages management - fixed: exporting issue with headers and non latin characters v3.16 - release date 06/08/2013 - fixed: pending user notifier fix for WP 3.6 v3.15 - release date 02/08/2013 - added: spanish translation - updated: update-notifier now compatible with WP 3.6 - pending users data now are visible - fixed: pending users pagination v3.14 - release date 22/05/2013 - fixed: registration form bug when a custom field having non-latin chars is used - fixed: custom forms handler bug v3.13 - release date 08/05/2013 - added: german and danish translations - shortcode wizard rebuild - registration and login forms now can be used with the ENTER key - login form fields protected from iOS autocorrect and autocapitalize - brazilian translation updated to the latest version - fixed: export system bug with non-latin characters - fixed: little weakness on the metabox v3.12 - release date 17/02/2013 - changed the reCAPTCHA javascript code position to avoid IE issues on few themes v3.11 - release date 01/02/2013 - fixed: custom redirect (for login and logout) bug on frontend - fixed: custom redirect option glitch in the settings - Chosen and Iphone Checks plugins updated v3.1 - release date 20/01/2013 - added: category fields for the registation field - added: French translation - added: Persian translation - javascript fixes for jQuery 1.9 compatibility v3.01 - release date 12/12/2012 - fixed: WP 3.5 compatibility issues v3.0 - release date 07/12/2012 - added: import system from CSV file - added: custom url feature for redirects - added: wizard to extend restrictions also to CPT and custom taxonomies - added: minimum WP role to manage users - added: preset text to display before or after users private page content - added: "test mode" to test restrictions without logging out - added: "mail actions" add-on predisposition - added: turkish translation - fixed: accented letters bug on input fields - fixed: accented letters bug on input fields - fixed: reCAPTCHA validation bug - basic CSS improvements to avoid interferences - global code cleanup v2.33 - release date 17/09/2012 - fixed: bug on user private page on WP 3.4.2 - added: CSS code to avoid dropdown issues v2.32 - release date 23/08/2012 - Plugin paths fixed to work also with WP renamed folder structure - Hook changed for the redirect to avoid issues on certain websites v2.31 - release date 27/05/2012 - fixed: bug related to the password in the add-user page v2.3 - release date 23/05/2012 - added: sortable fields for the registration form - added: redirect for logged users after logout - basic CSS improved - compatibility improved - minor bugfixes v2.21 - release date 23/03/2012 - fixed: registration form builder bug v2.2 - release date 16/03/2012 - added: localization support for the frontend elements - added: redirects for logged and registered users - added: default private page content for new users - added: enable/disable by default the private page for new registered users - admin UI restyled - javascript code improvement v2.1 - release date 26/02/2012 - fixed: visibility bug with different users levels - fixed: menu items visibility bug for children elements v2.0 - release date 10/02/2012 - Registration form implemented - Redirect system implemented - Menù item visibility implemented - add "pending" status for users - Settings page restyled - minor bugfix v1.0 - release date 31/01/2012